Saturday, January 25, 2014


What an exciting day! 3 Million views on #bethegold YouTube videos and counting!

"Only Hope" cover by the Gardiner Sisters

Thank you to all the supporters and especially the awesome Youtubers that have worked so hard to help this cause. Yesterday the Gardiner Sisters debut their stunning cover of "Only Hope" in support of BE THE GOLD. The video's cinematography was just amazing and the girls sound goose-bumps-good. It is just magical to watch and listen to.

And the sisters are through yet! They are following up the video with a challenge,

"Our Gardinerds are the BEST! Thank you for all your support so far in joining us in the @bethegold campaign! Repost this photo to help raise awareness for childhood cancer and tweet it at us using ‪#‎bethegold‬ and we'll follow you on Twitter." (Posted by them on their Facebook this morning,)

The Gardiner Sisters can be found at:

Twitter: @gardinersisters
Instagram: @gardinersistersofficial

 More #bethegold YouTube videos coming soon!  I. can. not. wait. :)
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